New Video Uploaded - Must See!
Hello everyone. Today, General Red has uploaded a video, which is his reflection on the Wolfenstein series. This video may be long, but...
New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday and today, Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) uploaded walkthrough videos for the recent Rtcw SP release Flying Saucers!...

New Ronboy Review Written!
Hello everyone. Today, I wrote a review for the recent Rtcw SP addon Dark Matters! You can read it below. Link:...
New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) uploaded walkthrough videos for the recent Rtcw SP addon Dark Matters. You can watch...

New Website Launched for Rtcw Remake Mod!
Hello everyone. Today, the authors of the Rtcw Remake Mod have launched an official website for their works! Link:...

New Snooper Re-texture Released!
Hello everyone. Schiff, who recently created a re-texture for the FG42 weapon, has created his next re-texture for Rtcw SP. It's for the...
New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Recently, my British friend General Red has uploaded 2 playthrough videos for the Rtcw SP custom map Industrial...

New FG42 Re-texture Released!
Hello everyone. Someone new has joined the Rtcw community. His name is Schiff, and he's from Uzbekistan. Schiff's first work is a...
New Wolf ET Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, I recorded another Wolf ET video! You can watch it below. If you want to read the video's description, then...
New Wolf ET Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, I recorded another Wolf ET video. You can watch it below. By the way, yesterday marked the anniversary of...