New Rtcw Graphics Mod Released!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, the developers of the Rtcw Remake Mod released a graphics mod for Rtcw called Reshade Film Effect! For...
New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Today, General Red has completed his playthrough of the Rtcw SP custom addon called Clonewar Village! You can watch it...
New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Today, Rtcw SP mapping veteran kat (Ken Beyer) has uploaded a video of a possible new project that he may release! You...

New Video Uploaded for The Victors!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, a short gameplay video was uploaded on Mod DB by Aidendemon. You can watch it below....
New Wolf ET Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, I recorded the first Wolf ET video for this year! You can watch it below. That's all for this update. Thanks...

New Rtcw Venom Mod Update Released!
Hello everyone. Today, HellBaron89 has released another update for his Rtcw SP mod! You can download it below. Download link:...
New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. As promised, I've recorded my playthrough of the Rtcw SP custom map called Steinvillage! You can watch the video below....
New Forum and New Rtcw Remake Mod Video!
Hello everyone. Thanks to Gohnny Silver on Youtube, I was given a link to a forum that I was unaware of. I want to share that link with...
New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, General Red uploaded his playthrough of the Rtcw SP custom addon called Capuzzo! He is joined by his friend...
New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. I've recorded my first Rtcw video for 2016! I recorded the map called Stalingrad Level 2 Remake Demo by Dialog. You can...