New Rtcw SP Map Released - Clonewar 2044 Version 1.1!
Hello everyone. Today, HellBaron (author of the Rtcw Venom Mod) has released a new version of the Rtcw SP map called Clonewar 2044 by...

New Rtcw SP Mod in Development - RealRTCW Realism Mod!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, development began on a new Rtcw SP mod called RealRTCW Realism Mod! The author of this mod is WolfETPlayer,...

2 Old Wolfenstein 2009 Mods Discovered - Retrostein and NeuroWolf!
Hello everyone. Today, Anders Basymowski discovered 2 old mods for Wolfenstein 2009 called Retrostein and NeuroWolf! Both enhance the...

New Knightmare Patch Released for Rtcw SP - 1.42d!
Hello everyone. Knightmare has released a new version of his patch for Rtcw SP called 1.42d! You can download it below. Changes in this...

New Wolf ET Video Uploaded - Shotgun and Artillery!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, I recorded another Wolf ET video! Watch as I use the shotgun and artillery combo to keep the enemy at bay....

Old Rtcw SP/MP Mod Discovered - Band of Brothers!
Hello everyone. Today, Anders Basymowski has discovered another old Rtcw mod called Band of Brothers! This mod is mostly for MP, but the...

New Wolf ET Video Uploaded - Getting Rekt... Part 14!
Hello everyone. Today, I've recorded another Wolf ET video! It's yet another addition to the infamous "Getting Rekt" series. You can...

New Video from Vicpas - Age of Horror Trailer #1!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) uploaded the first trailer for his Rtcw SP addon called Age of Horror! You can watch...

Old Wolf 3D Mod Discovered - Rtcw 3D!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) discovered an old Wolf 3D mod called Rtcw 3D! You can watch a video about it...

New Rtcw SP Map Released - Beach Defend!
Hello everyone. Today, Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) has released a Rtcw SP map called Beach Defend! This map was originally planned as a...