Gamefront is Officially Back!
Hello everyone. Earlier this month, we discovered that Gamefront had returned under the address of gamefront.online, but this was...

New Rtcw Project Started - Rtcw Legacy!
Hello everyone. I have BIG news: a project has been started for Rtcw called Rtcw Legacy! This project is the equivalent of the Wolf ET...

New Playthrough Uploaded for Rtcw SP - V8PRO Plays The Fortress 2!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, Youtube user V8PRO finished his playthrough of the Rtcw SP addon called The Fortress 2! His playthrough has no...

New Patch Released for Rtcw Venom Mod Version 4.8!
Hello everyone. HellBaron89 has recently released a new patch for version 4.8 of the Rtcw Venom Mod! Below are the fixes included with...

New Rtcw Section Added to TheWolfTeam Forum!
Hello everyone. Today, a new Rtcw section has been added to TheWolfTeam Forum. This forum only had some Wolf ET and Wolf MP (ETQW mod)...

New Version of Rtcw Venom Mod Released - Version 4.8!
Hello everyone. Today, HellBaron89 has released a new version of the Rtcw Venom Mod, version 4.8! You can find more information as well...

RealRTCW 2.0 Source Code Released!
Hello everyone. WolfETPlayer has released the source code for RealRTCW version 2.0! Hopefully mappers and modders will find this to be...

Old Rtcw SP Mod Discovered - Hardcore Singleplayer!
Hello everyone. I would like to thank Anders Basymowski for discovering an old mod for Rtcw SP called Hardcore Singleplayer! This mod...

New Wolf ET Video Uploaded - Wow, That Was Fast!
Hello everyone. Today, I've recorded another Wolf ET video! I didn't expect that I would win the map for my team, and so quickly too....

New Video Uploaded by WolfETPlayer - RealRTCW 2.0 Weapons Showcase!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, WolfETPlayer uploaded a video showcasing the weapon sounds included with version 2.0 of his RealRTCW...