New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - General Red Plays Return to Castelvecchio with Phil!
Hello everyone. Today, General Red has uploaded his playthrough of the Rtcw SP map called Return to Castelvecchio! He is joined once...

New Rtcw Website Discovered - Nexus Mods!
Hello everyone. Today, Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) has discovered a fairly new Rtcw website called Nexus Mods! This website, or at least...

New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded - Tatiana Plays Mages Skulls Level 2, Liner, Kriegsmarine Depot, and Kor
Hello everyone. Yesterday, Tatiana uploaded playthroughs for the Rtcw SP releases called Mages Skulls (level 2), Liner, Kriegsmarine...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - RtCW Map test!
Hello everyone. Today, Eugeny Panikarowsky has uploaded a test video that showcases some test maps as well as some maps converted from...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - General Red Plays Surfaces and Hot Talk with Phil!
Hello everyone. General Red has uploaded his playthrough of the Rtcw SP maps called Surfaces and Hot Talk! He is joined by his friend...

New Version of Rtcw Venom Mod Released - Version 4.8.5!
Hello everyone. Today, HellBaron89 has released a new version of his mod called Rtcw Venom Mod! This new version fixes some bugs and adds...

New Rtcw SP Compilation Discovered - Graphics Mod and New Weapons Mod!
Hello everyone. Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) has discovered a new Rtcw SP compilation today! This compilation contains a graphics mod...

New Rtcw SP Gameplay Video Uploaded by Dialog - WolfSP Map for Test!
Hello everyone. Today, Dialog has uploaded a gameplay video that shows a test of one of his maps! You can watch it below. WolfSP // map...

New Patch Released for Rtcw Anthology All in One 2016!
Hello everyone. Today, Yo$hik has released another patch for his Rtcw anthology called Rtcw Anthology All in One 2016! This patch...

New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded - General Red plays Brabant!
Hello everyone. Today, General Red has finished his playthrough of the Rtcw SP map called Brabant! You can watch it below. Brabant - Part...