New COD2 Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, I recorded a custom SP map for COD2! You can watch it below. If you want to read the video's description, then...

Project Stopped...
Hello everyone. I have some sad news. W0lfman, who was working on his project Industrial Espionage, has been forced to stop development...
New COD1 Videos Uploaded!
Hello everyone. In my spare time this month, I've been recording a handful of custom SP maps for COD1. Today, I've finally finished! You...

New Rtcw SP Release!
Hello everyone. Today, Dialog has released a revised version of his recent 3-map addon containing the maps demo22, steinvillage, and...

New Playlist Created for Rtcw SP Tutorials!
Hello everyone. Today, I have created a Youtube playlist which includes 2 tutorial videos for Rtcw SP. If you're confused regarding how...

New Rtcw SP Maps Released!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, Dialog released a new version of the two maps station and demo22 (Stalingrad Remake map). Also, a new map...

HD Videos Incoming!
Hello everyone. I have great news. With the help of the program Format Factory, I now can upload 720p (HD) videos to Youtube! Obviously,...
New Wolf ET Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, I finally had the time to record another Wolf ET video! You can watch it below. If you want to read the...
Dialog Has Returned!
Hello everyone. Dialog (the author of the Rtcw SP addon Enemy Castle) has returned to Rtcw! As of the writing of this update, he has not...

IMPORTANT: Email Change
Hello everyone. I have some very important news for you. Very soon, I will no longer use my Yahoo email account My...