New Rtcw SP Skins Released!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, OSJC released more skins for Rtcw SP! For more information and download links, visit the links below....

New Rtcw SP Texture Mods Released!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, OSJC and NightBerkut released some custom texture mods for Rtcw SP! Go to the links below for more...

New Version of Rtcw Venom Mod Released!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, HEllBaron89 (author of the Rtcw Venom Mod) released a new version of his mod! He has titled it RTCW VENOM MOD...
New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Today, I've recorded a playthrough for the Rtcw SP custom addon called Horrors of Hell (my latest creation). You can...

New/Old Rtcw SP Mod Discovered!
Hello everyone. As you can see by the title of this update, a new but old Rtcw SP mod was discovered. I would like to thank Vicpas...
New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded!
Hello everyone. My British friend General Red has recorded a playthrough for the Rtcw SP custom map pack called HDDL. You can watch the...
New Wolf ET Video Uploaded!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, I recorded another Wolf ET video. You can watch it below. That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.
New COD1 Videos Uploaded!
Hello everyone. In my spare time this week, I've recorded two COD1 SP custom map playthroughs. I've finished them today, and you can...