New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded - Wolf Enstein Plays EscapeCastle and Citadel!
Hello everyone. Today, Youtube user Wolf Enstein (aka GANG$TA from the Web Clan) uploaded a playthrough for the recently released (for...

New Rtcw Venom Mod Update Released - Version 5.46!
Hello everyone. Today, HellBaron has released yet another update for his Rtcw mod called Rtcw Venom Mod! The new version is called...

New RealRTCW Addon Released - RealFlyingSaucers!
Hello everyone. Today, WolfETPlayer has released a new addon for RealRTCW called RealFlyingSaucers! You can download it on the links...

News Update Published for Rtcw SP Mod | Castle Wewelsburg - New OSA Intro Cutscene Screenshots and M
Hello everyone. I have great news: finally, I've had enough free time to resume working on my Rtcw SP mod called Castle Wewelsburg! You...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - Loffy's First Mapping Video!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, Wolf ET mapper Loffy uploaded a video that showcases some mapping that he is doing for his upcoming Rtcw...

New Rtcw SP Maps Released for Testing - Cinema1, EscapeCastle and Citadel by Dialog!
Hello everyone. I have some great news. Today, Dialog has released 3 new Rtcw SP maps for testing! The name of the maps are cinema1,...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - Dialog's Mapping Work #7!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, Dialog uploaded yet another video that showcases the progress that he's making with his Rtcw SP addon! This is...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - ZED Plays Move33!
Hello everyone. Today, ZED has uploaded a playthrough for the Rtcw SP map called move33! You can watch it below. ČESKÝ LET'S PLAY -...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - Dialog's Mapping Work #6!
Hello everyone. Today, Dialog has uploaded another video that showcases the progress that he's making with his Rtcw SP addon! You can...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - Dialog's Mapping Work #5!
Hello everyone. Today, Dialog has uploaded another video that showcases more mapping progress for his Rtcw SP addon! This is now the...