Rtcw Remake Mod Website Taken Down.
Hello everyone. I have some important news: the Rtcw Remake Mod website (http://rtcw-remake-dev-page.manifo.com/) has been taken down. I...

New Wolf ET Video Uploaded - Getting Rekt... Part 9!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, I recorded another Wolf ET video! It's yet another addition to the "getting rekt" series. You can watch...

New General Red Playthrough | Rtcw SP - PHM's Headquarters!
Hello everyone. Today, General Red has completed a playthrough for the Rtcw SP custom addon called PHM's Headquarters! You can watch the...

New Rtcw SP Video from HellBaron - Dark Matters HD Sample!
Hello everyone. Today, HellBaron (author of the Venom Mod) has uploaded a new test video showing what the Rtcw SP addon called Dark...

New Patch Released for Rtcw Anthology (All in One) 2016!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, Rtcw SP mapper Yo$hik released a second patch for his anthology called Rtcw Anthology (All in One) 2016! You...