New Version of RealRTCW Realism Mod Released - Version 2.0 + Optional HD Pack!
Hello everyone. I'm proud to announce that WolfETPlayer has released a new version of his RealRTCW Realism Mod today - version 2.0! Also,...

Interesting Article Discovered by Titeuf-85 - Rtcw: Tides of War vs Reality!
Hello everyone. Today, Titeuf-85 (author of The Dark Army) has discovered an interesting article from 2014! This article discusses the...

New Wolf ET Video Uploaded - Getting Rekt... Part 15!
Hello everyone. Today, I've recorded a Wolf ET video! It's yet another addition to the infamous "Getting Rekt" series. You can watch it...

New Status Update from Titeuf-85 | August Status Update - Switching to RealRTCW!
Hello everyone. Titeuf-85 (author of The Dark Army for Rtcw SP) has released an important status update for this month! This update...

Great News - Gamefront Has Returned!
Hello everyone. I would like to thank Eugeny Panikarowsky for informing everyone that Gamefront has returned! At the end of April 2016,...

Old Rtcw SP HD Texture Pack Discovered - SP HD TEXTURE PACK BETA!
Hello everyone. Anders Basymowski has discovered another old Rtcw SP mod today called SP HD Texture Pack Beta! It's a beta HD texture...

Old Wolfenstein 2009 Mod Discovered - Wolfenstein 2009 Skinpack + Texmod!
Hello everyone. Today, Anders Basymowski has discovered another old Wolfenstein 2009 mod called Wolfenstein 2009 skinpack + texmod! This...

New COD2 Videos Uploaded - Back2Fronts Mod!
Hello everyone. For a week now, I've been recording some of the maps that are included in the great Back2Fronts Mod for COD2. I'm pleased...