New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded - General Red Plays Rtcw SP with RealRTCW!
Hello everyone. Three months ago, General Red began a playthrough of the Rtcw SP mod called RealRTCW Realism Mod, playing the original...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - Flashlight Test with Berserker@Wolfenstein Engine!
Hello everyone. Today, Eugeny Panikarowsky has uploaded a test video that showcases a working flashlight, which is being demonstrated on...

New Rtcw SP/RTCWCoop Mod Released | Rtcw Christmas Mod - Satan Claus Pack!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, Yo$hik uploaded a funny mod for Rtcw SP/RTCWCoop called Rtcw Christmas Mod - Satan Claus Pack! This mod...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - Second Age of Horror Trailer!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) uploaded a second trailer for his upcoming Rtcw SP addon called Age of Horror!...

Rtcw Remake Mod - New Thompson Model, Foliage/Grass Presentation and New Hands/Gloves Skin!
Hello everyone. Today, a new video was uploaded by the Rtcw Remake Mod authors, which showcases a new model for the Thompson, as well as...

News Update for RealRTCW 2.2 - Release Date Announced, New Hand/Foot Skins Feature, New Weapon Textu
Hello everyone. Today, WolfETPlayer has released yet another news update regarding the upcoming release of version 2.2 of the RealRTCW...

New Wolfenstein 2009 Videos Uploaded - Yo$hik Plays Wolfenstein 2009!
Hello everyone. Yo$hik has uploaded a playthrough for Wolfenstein 2009! You can watch the videos below. Wolfenstein (2009) | part 1...

The Dark Army: Uprising - Version 2.0 Demo Released!
Hello everyone. I have great news: yesterday, a demo version of the Rtcw SP mod called The Dark Army: Uprising was released! This is a...