New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded - Yo$hik Plays EscapeCastle and Citadel in Extreme Quality!
Hello everyone. Yo$hik has uploaded a playthrough for the Rtcw SP maps called EscapeCastle and Citadel in "extreme quality"! You can...

New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded - Wolf Enstein Plays Steinvillage and Station!
Hello everyone. Wolf Enstein (aka Gman from the Web Clan) has uploaded a playthrough for the Rtcw SP maps called Steinvillage and...

New COD: BO3 MP Video/Map Uploaded - Toujane V2!
Hello everyone. Yesterday, WolfETPlayer discovered a new Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (COD: BO3) MP map called Toujane V2! If you're a fan...

New Rtcw Mapping Video Uploaded - House Prefab from Dialog!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, Dialog uploaded a new Rtcw mapping video that showcases the creation of a house prefab, from beginning to...

New Rtcw SP Video Uploaded - ZED Plays Operation Stutze!
Hello everyone. Today, ZED has uploaded a playthrough for the Rtcw SP map called Operation Stutze! You can watch it below. Note: Near the...

New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded - V8PRO Plays Pharaoh's Curse!
Hello everyone. V8PRO has uploaded a playthrough for the Rtcw SP addon called Pharaoh's Curse! You can watch it below. Return to castle...

New Rtcw SP Videos Uploaded - General Red Plays Real Pharaoh's Curse!
Hello everyone. General Red has uploaded a playthrough for the RealRTCW Realism Mod addon called Real Pharaoh's Curse! You can watch it...

New Rtcw Mapping Videos Uploaded - Prefabs from Dialog!
Hello everyone. A few days ago, Dialog uploaded some Rtcw mapping videos that showcase some prefabs that he created. These videos could...

New RTCWCOOP Addon Released - Time Gate!
Hello everyone. Today, Yo$hik has published a new RTCWCOOP addon called Time Gate! As you may have correctly guessed, this addon is a...