Rtcw Remake Mod Beta Released!
Hello everyone. For those of you who are unaware, the Rtcw Remake Mod by C.Z.R. and Greco Graphics Studio was released yesterday in the form of a beta. You can download this promising mod below. It's standalone, which means that it will work, even if you don't have the original Rtcw game installed.
NOTE: I discovered that Rtcw custom maps for SP that aren't addons (some examples include sp_brabant and sp_ameland) will work with this remake mod, if you place their pk3 files into the Main folder of the Remake Mod.
Download link (part 1): https://mega.co.nz/#!r8VwRJwa!S6P_iqHMOCMMsJ87uB3C9Suba00WNFYivGEZefUE7ks
Download link (part 2):
Simply copy and paste the links above into your browser's address bar, and you can give this mod a try!
That's all for this update. Thanks for reading!