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New Rtcw Mod and Berserker@WolfSP Engine!

Hello everyone. Today, I have two new things to mention.

First is the revealing of a new mod for Rtcw SP, made by Hoover1979 (Nick Wride). He is from Adelaide, South Australia, and he has decided to create a compilation mod which includes the following:

1. The Berserkser@WolfSP engine

2. HD textures (some from the Rtcw Remake Mod and a few from Eugeny's HD Retexture Pack)

3. Some HD weapon skins from Rtcw Gamebanana

For more information and to get the download link, you can go to the mod's development page here:

Remember to keep track of the link above, because the mod is still in development!


Now, for the second news. A new 3D mode has been added to the Berserker@WolfSP engine, as well as support for stereo sound. For more information and to get the download link, you can go to the engine's development page here:

Just like the compilation mod's link above, remember to keep track of the quakegate link posted above, because it's frequently updated with new posts.

That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.


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