New Rtcw Section Added to TheWolfTeam Forum!
Hello everyone. Today, a new Rtcw section has been added to TheWolfTeam Forum. This forum only had some Wolf ET and Wolf MP (ETQW mod) sections, but today, some new sections were added for Rtcw!
I've already joined there, and I highly recommend that you all do the same. The owners of this forum are willing to collaborate with the Rtcw community, so that both communities can work together. This has been one of my personal dreams, because unification instead of separation is the only choice to keep our beloved Rtcw alive.
A forum discussion is going on about this subject, here on the Splash Damage Forums:
TheWolfTeam Forum link:
The links section of my website here on Wix has been updated with a link to TheWolfTeam Forum.
It's time to move forward as a community, if we want to keep Rtcw alive!
That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.