RTCWCoop Anniversary Upgrade Released!
Hello everyone. As promised, the anticipated RTCWCoop addon called RTCWCoop Anniversary Upgrade was released today! This addon adds new sounds, HD textures, and more to RTCWCoop. For additional information, check out the download link below.
UPDATE: After talking to some players as well as the upgrade's author (Titeuf-85), I have confirmed that it will NOT work with the latest version of RTCWCoop, which is 1.0.2. Instead, you'll have to play with 1.0.1, if you want to play with the upgrade installed. However, this problem will be addressed in a future patch, which I'll advertise in a separate update here, once the patch becomes available. Sorry for any inconvenience.
UPDATE #2: After talking to the upgrade's author again (Titeuf-85), apparently this was a misunderstanding on the part of the players who thought that the upgrade was incompatible with version 1.0.2. It actually is compatible, but the installation is quite complex. First, you should install version 1.0.1 of RTCWCoop, then install version 1.0.2 after that. Finally, launch the upgrade through the .bat file that is provided with the upgrade's download. Do NOT launch it via the game's shortcut(s). According to Titeuf-85, if you follow these instructions, then the upgrade should work correctly with the latest version of RTCWCoop.
Download link: http://www.moddb.com/mods/rtcw-classic-cooperative-campaign/downloads/upgrade/#6711206
What are you waiting for? Go and play some coop for Rtcw!
That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.