New Update Released for RealRTCW Realism Mod - RealRTCW 2.21! New RealRTCW Addon Released - RealVend
Hello everyone. I have some great news. Today, WolfETPlayer has unexpectedly released a new update for his Rtcw SP mod called RealRTCW Realism Mod! This new update is called RealRTCW 2.21, and it contains the following changes.
New features: cg_fixedaspectfov CVAR added Various engine limits increased
Bug Fixes: Flamethrower volume decreased Luger silencer placement fixed
Balancing: Player sprint duration doubled Amount of stamina taken by jumping decreased Bunny hop value slightly increased to avoid silly first person effect Pistols and SMGs spread decreased Elite guards moving speed slightly increased Undead enemies moving speed slightly increased
Other: sv_cheats set to 0 by default Weapon damage CVARS are now cheat protected Various weapon screen position changed No gloves hand skin removed due to its ugliness
Also, another addon was converted to RealRTCW: Vendetta (2013), which is now called RealVendetta! You can download the new update and the new addon on the links below.
New Update link:
New addon link:
Alternative link from WolfFiles:
What are you waiting for? Download this update as well as the new addon, and go kill some Nazis, soldier!

That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.